Crafting a natural garden

Agrimonia eupatoria

Crafting a natural garden is easy and we’ve put together some tips and ideas to help you create your own natural garden. First of all, what is a natural garden? We are hearing more about this type of garden, there is more respect for natural beauty and the peace that it brings. A natural garden is one that has a relaxed feel and echos natural lines and forms. Soft scaping brings the garden together gently. Curved lines and informal group plantings increase the feeling of being in nature while being in a curated space. The natural look gains visual interest.

Geranium ‘Brookside’

Choose plants with a variety of shapes. Some that grow in a clump, such as Geramium ‘Brookside’ (masses of lavender blue flowers) and plant these beside for example Agrimonia eupatoria (soft fuzzy leaves and spikes of golden yellow flowers up to 60cm tall) and Gaura lindheimeri, short form (beautiful and delicate, great contrast with the Agrimonia the flowers are reminiscent of butterflies and held on wand like stems. They are white, flushed pink.) Include grasses and taller shrubs. Grasses add a lovely element of movement. The taller Sanguisorbas bring movement in an eye catching way too, reminiscent of a natural meadow. Sanguisorbas and Persicarias are both great for depth of vision; their flower stems are many, tall and narrow creating a gentle veil of flowers through which we can see the next layer of planting behind them with ease. Flowers with a variety of shapes and forms adds to a natural, incidental look. Include daisy shaped flowers, bell shaped flowers etc.

Gaura lindheimeri, short form

 For a natural look you need to relax your control on your plants. Let plants soften the edges of paths by spilling over onto them. Forget about the urge to stake every Rudbeckia, let them bend and sway. This carefree look is part of the charm of a natural garden. In a natural garden you don’t want formal lines, paths should curve gently through the garden and plant in groups rather than rows. Groups of three to five plants minimum for impact. Drifts of one variety adds to an untamed look.

Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Rosea’

Penstemon ‘Andenken an Friedrich Hahn’

When choosing what plants to use in your natural garden include some that support wildlife- we have a whole section of plants loved by pollinators at Caherhurley Nursery. Salvias, Agastache and Penstemon are all good examples of plants loved by bees, butterflies and hover flies.

Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’

Some plants with big leaves create a safe place for frogs and toads and a good foraging ground for wrens and robins. Bergenia or Ligularia create nice cool areas under their big leaves. Bergenia can be grown in partial shade and Ligularia loves damp ground. These large leaves bring a bit of a lush tropical look to the garden which can be fun. Excellent for near the edge of a pond.

Ligularia przewalskii

Shrubs too are important in a natural garden. They anchor the garden, provide interest at a higher eye level and create a habitat. We find that including deciduous shrubs adds to a natural feel. Vines are a lovely way to add a rambling natural look to the edges of your garden. We recommend Jasminum officinale or a rambling rose such as Rosa ‘Kiftsgate’ (soon to be available again in Caherhurley Nursery).

Rosa ‘Kiftsgate’

Look at the flowering periods of the plants you choose so you can ensure colour all season. Our Irish wild native Primula Vulgaris is a lovely plant to include for early flowers in the garden while for colour lasting well into autumn Rudbeckia or Symphyotrichum are ideal.

Our collection of plants has been lovingly curated by us over the last forty years to create an atmosphere of natural beauty. We have over 850 varieties here at Caherhurley Nursery, all grown outdoors and using organic methods. We are always happy to give any help and advice to customers to the nursery. We are open every day from 10-5.

Bergenia ‘Rosi Klose’


5 x 5 essential plants to make a difference in your garden


Harmony and balance in the garden